Monday, December 7, 2009

I have to think about several things this week. It's going to be tuff (u c wut i did dere?!), but I'm sure I'll make it. Hopefully.

First of all, I seriously have to figure out what in hell I'm getting for my family members for X-mas. (And my friends. Since when do I have so many friends?!) The only thing I'm certain about is that I am not doing what I did last year, which was go "Oh shit" on December 23rd and then have to run to a billion stores in a short 48-hour period of time. That is so not happening again. I've got an idea for my little brother--he's always the easiest. As for my dad...He's a work in progress. My mom however, is a completely different matter. I never have any ideas for her because she never asks for anything; and sadly, she and I aren't on such terms that I can practically read her mind and know what she wants based on her actions.

My friends. I do have a lot of them, but I'm afraid that since I'm on an extremely limited budget due to the unfortunate lack of cash, a job, or any real source of income, I may only be getting gifts for a few of my closest ones. Usually, for my friends, I'll make things for them. This year, I'm short on materials as well, so that means back out to A.C.Moore and the mall and such.

This weekend, I'm going shopping. Wish me luck.

Secondly, I'm also stressing over my novels, of course. Barcode is only a thousand words in, and already I don't understand it! I mean, I have my characters, and I have my plot, but I have no clue what Chapter One is about. As for Lies, I've begun to edit it, and suddenly there are two more pages of bull, rather than two fewer, and I am completely baffled by how this could have even happened. I did, however, work on The Right Amount of Psycho, and that went quite well. Besides the fact that I got 200 words written in more than two hours...So basically, I've no clue where to go with any of my current stories. Eh. This is what I get for attempting to do something useful in December. December equals my fail month.

In third place comes my current inability choose between the two best snacks on the planet: chocolate and air. I think I'll choose air. I had chocolate earlier.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Okay, I feel obliged to post this because--quite frankly--I thought it was hilarious. On my computer, it takes like fourteen days to actually finish buffering, and if it does on yours too, watch it anyway. It is so worth it. And it does show how creepy Edward Cullen is.

No, I don't hate Ed. He's okay.

I just think he's a typical, in-your-face-wanna-be-hero-but-can't-coz-he's-some-blood-thirsty-psycho who's got a hot, rich Daddy-doctor and a beautiful face and a stupidstupidstupid romantic way of saying things that almost makes me want him but also almost make me wanna puke. I mean, he's not bad, he's just too perfect, if you catch my drift.

Why, yes, I am Team Jake. All the way.

Oh, I adore Robert Pattinson himself, just so we're clear. No qualms with this man heeyurr:

No problems with him at all. I do, however, have qualms with these guys...WHY must they be so damn adorable?!
Some Jared Leto:

GASP. He even looks as wonderful as he sounds on his albums. Incredible.
Ohhellyess, Farrell (accent+looks+personality=WIN):

Ghetto much, Colin? Who cares. You're hot, anyway.
And my personal favorite...Jamie Campbell-Bower, of course!:

Awwh, he lookth so happeh. :3 *yes, I see you in the background, Johnny Depp's lips. you can't hide from me!*

And so concludes my moment of eyecandy photography. (:

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thus, I have defeated the November Monster! Of course, this monster is special, unique; at times, it was huggable. Most times, it wasn't.

Most times, it drove me nuts. It was intolerable. It bounced off the walls, spun in circles, shouted at me, slapped me, kicked me, pushed me down, teasingly dangled caffeine and sleep in front of my nose until I honestly couldn't take it anymore. But, GOD DAMMIT, I kept getting back up and hitting back, because--um, News Flash, my friend--I'm just as much of a psycho as any November Monster ever is/was/can be/will be/has ever been. I perservered, through all the torture, and HELL YES! I totally won!

My novel is, of course, a total piece of shit, there are gaps that would swallow the Antarctic, and my characters are extremely confused--not to mention I didn't even finish the whole book...yet--but I love it anyway. I'm going to send it in to CreateSpace in the beginning of December to have it published (well, only a single copy, my copy, but still)!

Check out my awesomeness rite at dis hurr pl4c3. *clickie*

Well, I've got a thousand and one ideas floating around in my head for other novels, so I'd best be off. Enjoy life, or whatever. (:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I've begun NaNoWriMo today--actually I started it at 1AM this morning. I'm really looking forward to getting into the novel, though I'm not so sure I like how I began it....but who cares? My aim is to get a first draft, not a perfect copy! Between Facebook, friends, school, and life I hardly have much time for NaNo this year, let alone for this blog, but I promise I'll try to get on when I can.

Until next time, whenever that may be, goodbye.

(P.S. The title of this blog also indicates a song by one of the hottest bands ever. No, I'm not obsessed, but yes--I do love them.)

Friday, October 30, 2009

All right, people, I'm back on track! Internet's here and I'm using it to the full extent, as has probably already gone unsaid. Just here to let everyone (ohmygosh, who am I talking to?!) know that I'm okay, and alive, and I'm thanking the Comcast gods.

As of now, I shall be Comcast's advertiser:


And just a mere two days left until NaNo! I'm literally sitting on the edge of my seat with frustration. I've got this whole outline written out but it's completely useless and I can't think of anything else to do. I've designed every single detail about my characters (even the miniscule side-notes that probably'll have like two seconds of mention), and I've even begun description-ifying my numerous settings--but I can't plot a single thing! I'm ruined! *drama*

Over the course of today and tomorrow, I probably won't get sleep, since I'll be thinking hard. Not that a couple days without sleep even matters, though. I mean, once November hits, I won't sleep for a month.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm using my neighbor's internet, and I'm not sure how long I have, but I decided to come on and give you an account of yesterday's mall expedition.

Point number one for this session: I went to the mall.

Yes, I went to the mall. I practically lived in Zumiez, Pac Sun, Hot Topic, Aeropostale, etc etc etc--and I did all this while the mother, brother, and grandmama waltzed around a few stores behind me.

Point number two: I bought an awesome stud belt at Pac Sun. (:

But the funniest thing: When I was in Pac Sun there was these two guys who flirted with me the whole time. The first guy (a cutie with glasses whom I shall call Four-Eyes) said to me as soon as I walked in, "You look warm".


But anyway, there was this other guy (whom I shall call Pac Man) who actually followed me around the store. He cracked me up so much that I feel obliged to share some of our conversation with you, my imaginary followers.
Me: *looking at hot pink and lime green skinneh jeanz and singing along to the music*
Pac Man: I wouldn't go with the pink jeans, if I were you.
Me: Why not?
Pac Man: Well, they may look cool and all, but they only come in regulars and *HERE'S HIS LAME ASS PICKUP LINE* you look like you need a long.
Me: Wow, thanks for pointing that out.
Pac Man: What? What's wrong with being tall?
Me: Just about everything.
Pac Man: Naw, here's a secret. Guys love tall chics, 'coz there's like, more of 'em to love, you know? Plus, tall girls are usually pretty fit.
Me: *catching on the bad flirting right* No way, man; I'm like the god damn Amazon woman walking down the street and everyone around me going, 'Aaaaaah'.
Pac Man: *laughing his ass off for no reason* Well, you know *ANOTHER LAME ASS THING TO SAY TO A GIRL* my last girlfriend was 6'1".
Me: Holy shit. She was enormous.
Pac Man: *laughing even though I practically insulted his last girlfriend* Yeah, so tall girls are great.
And one point flipping eight minutes later.
Me: *tying my shoe*
Pac Man: *surprise* Hey.
Me: *has a heart attack* Hi...
Pac Man: Do you want me to like, put together an outfit for you? I'm good with matching colors. *points to blue shirt then to blue eyes* See?
Me: *laughing, recovering from heart attack* No thanks, I'm just looking, I don't really have any money at the moment. *LIES, BITCH, LIES*
Pac Man: Aw, you don't have to buy it, I can just put it together for you and you can try it on.
Does anyone else get the impression that he thinks I'm a Barbie? *I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie wo-or-rld. Life in plastic, it's fantastic. You can brush my hair, undress me everywhe-er-ere. Imagination, life is your creation...* I dunno...maybe it's just me...
And this is right before I left, when I was buying the belt, after almost half an hour of him flirting and me getting all uncomfortable.
Pac Man: That'll be $16.50. Thought you didn't have any money. *impish grin*
Me: *taking the change from the $20* I have four bucks now. *MORE LIES*
Pac Man: *laughing like I said the funniest thing since the beginning of time* Well it's more than I have now. I just paid off my car.
Me: *jealous* I don't have a car. Or a job, for that matter.
Pac Man: Why not?
Me: Not old enough.
Pac Man: You're not in college?
Me: Nope. High school.
Pac Man: How old?
Me: 15. Turning 16 in January.
Pac Man: *looking like he saw Big Foot* You look a lot older.
Me: *sighing* So I'm told.
Pac Man: I'm sure you can get a job somewhere. You really do look a lot older.
Me: Yeah, maybe after my birthday. *taking belt* Thanks, man.
Pac Man: No problem. Come back soon, really.
Me: Yeah, I'll definately be back. To spend my four dollars. Later. *pathetic wave*
Pac Man: *laughing again*

Me: *fleeing for my life*
And so ends my mall expedition. I didn't get to stay in Hot Topic long, since Dragonlady is afraid of the store. ):

In other news, Dec bought Call of Duty 3 for Wii!! It's totally awesome. I played it for like an hour last night.

So the moral of the story is...well, come up with one and let me know. Ciao~

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I finally managed to get onto the internet. I figured that -- screw it -- I was gonna sneak onto my mom's computer. I'll be doing this a lot. I don't even care. It's been more than a month and I'm seriously suffering from internet deprevation. I've been writing a lot (*total understatement*), and watching hardly any TV, and reading a thousand and one books, and awaiting the few measley hours I have every day to leave the house and interact with other life forms people.

In other news, I can't remember any news, which isn't exactly unusual. I'm just really glad to be back on track -- or almost, anyway.

I'm going to my brother's soccer game tomorrow, and I'm hoping to see my bestie tharr. (:

Besides all that crap, I'd simply like to let you all know that I'll be posting a ridiculous amount of bullshit over these next few days since I have this drive to "make up" all the weeks I missed.

But just so everyone knows -- I'm back, bitches. Just make sure to tell your friends so they have time to get into their bombs shelters. (:


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