Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, it's nearly 1AM and I'm really, really, really tired, but here I am. I tried to write and managed about a thousand words. I was really aiming for 2k, but it'll have to do for tonight. In saying that, I also wish to mention that I dedicated most of that measley 1k of words to The Truth About Things That Matter, which is a really good thing. Even though I've been commissioned to complete Lies by March 5th (a birthday wish from a friend), I feel that I need to exercise my other outlets. All this vampire nonsense (I say the word fondly, because I love my Lies characters very dearly) gets to my head sometimes, and I feel that my brain requires a break from it.

However, being that as it may, it is still 1AM. Nearly all of my 1k was proably flawed and grammatically incorrect, but it will have to do until morning (though it'll probably be closer to afternoor when I wake up). Lovely morning (afternoon) when I can relax and work out the kinks and major flaws.

Anyway, I think that is enough for tonight, so I bid you adieu.

I just recently stumbled (literally) upon the notebook that I used during yesterday's "work hard" session, This was the session I illustrated in the previous post that included the psychotic screaming, and the music-playing, and the movie-watching. Since I didn't do any real writing yesterday, unless you consider the ramblings in said post "writing", I instead commenced to "writing" in this notebook. I had taken the Dictionary (it's capitalized because it's like my Bible, so back off, all ye Typo-Searchers) from the shelf upstairs, randomly chosen five words, and thrown together a brief plot summary as quickly as possible. Repeat, repeat. Here is the trilogy of plotlines I composed last night (WARNING: All three are probably hopelessly riddled with grammatical errors, but it was late, I was tired, they were each written in like five minutes, and well yeah, you'll have to live with it):

1) city, execute, sea, magistrate, parasite. Verdali City is a fantastical place by the shores of the shining sea of Malla. It is ruled by a Magistrate -- Massimer Dodds -- and his crew of Enforcers. The people fear Massimer and the Enforcers, because of the terrifying, strict laws that they create. The first and most important law is called the Parasite Law. It states that anyone who catches another person breaking any of the other laws or otherwise being a drag on society must turn them in immediately. The turned-in "parasite" will promptly be executed by the sea, in front of the whole of Verdali City, setting an example for anyone else considering the life of a "criminal".

2) nutrition, pathology, poison, light, evoke. A poison known (in layman's terms) as Virus is spreading rapidly across the face of the Planet. The effects of Virus aren't fully understood, but it is believed to have some sort of effect on the brain, making a person less curios, and therefore less apt to ask questions. A small group of pathologists get together in order to discover a nutrition to counter Virus. During their studies, one of the scientists accidentally evokes Light, a possible cure. But he and the others find that Light may be more difficut to control than they had first thought.

3) asthma, charismatic, cross of Lorraine, funeral, reflective. A small-town girl named Lorraine dies of an asthma attack at age sixteen. A charismatic teen by the name of Zander moves into the small town on the day of Lorraine's funeral. Beginng with a few of her personal possessions -- a cross of Lorraine (ironically) and a small hand mirror -- Zander enter the life of Lorraine. Abused by his lazy, drunked father and ignored by his distant mother, Zander finds refuge in the life of Lorraine and in the company of her family and friends.

There they are. They sound horrible right now, but one day they'll be longer, more awesome, and freakin' grammatically correct. Just you wait.

Sometimes I wonder where my head is.

I've been neglecting my duties as a writer. "I'll write more tomorrow" and "Oooh, one a.m. sounds like a good time to start", are not good habits of thought. I'll have to start planning out how many words I type a day if I'm going to get anywhere with this.

Anyway, I snuck onto my computer at eleven o'clock last night after a hard day's work. A hard day's work being six and a half hours of me screaming relentlessly at my homework, turning rock music on during Chemistry just so I could piss off my overlord mother, and then relaxing (stressfully) in front of the television while I watched an abnormally long movie.

But after all of that, I had some juice, cracked my fingers in a very badass manner (it hurt), and sat down at my computer to work on Lies.

An hour and a half later, this is what I had come up with:

{start colassal waste of time}

Character One hit Character Two with a salami.
Character Two cried for his mommy.
Character Three -- who is he??

The best defense is a good offence. So by offending you, I'm defending myself.

A BRIEF SUMMARAYY::: So, like, there was once this girl and, like, this hot guy. She thought he was soooo hot, but there was nothing she could do because, like, he was totally depressed and stuff. One day this other hot guy came along, and the girl was like, "Hey these guys are both really hot, I wonder which one I should choose." In the end, she chose both and ate them both whole. FIN.

Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about.

riting iz gud

Why is it Yes, Man and not Yes, Woman? Rascist. I mean, er, sexist.

Me: Okay, people, y'all better calm down, got it?
Cast of Lies: We get it.
Me: Good. I'd hate to have you all commit suicide.


{/end colassal waste of time}

I have no freaking idea what was in my orange juice last night, but I've made a few assumptions based on what I'm seeing.

1) I'm a huge procrastinator.
2) There is more to Lies than meets the eye.
3) No more oddly colored drinks after 3PM. It's water or nothing.


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