Sunday, August 16, 2009

I haven't gotten a single bit of writing done since Friday. I'm beginning to think that I've got a serious problem. I know that writer's block doesn't actually exist (thanks to all ye who carelessly burst that bubble for me), but procrastination sure does, and I believe that it's seriously impeding me my duties as a (young, very young) writer. However, I'll be trying my best during the days to come to get my act together and put words into sentences, and get setences onto paper so I can move on with Lies. And the same with the other novels that are sitting in my Lost and Found bin. I've just got to...dive in. Here goes nothing.

In other news, I'll finally be getting to go see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! I've been waiting since Twilight for that damned movie to come out, and I'm definately going to see it tomorrow morning. Most likely with family. HP6 is yet another example of me being incompetant. Oh, what in the world can I do with myself? *insert dramatic sigh*


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