Thursday, August 13, 2009

People ask me sometimes to babysit their children, nieces, younger brothers and sisters, etc, etc. And I always answer the same thing. "I don't like kids." They continue to pester me about it, all the way up until the point that I wonder whether or not homicide is really worth it.

But it does make me think. I mean, sometimes I just want to say to them, "Do I actually look like someone you want to leave your small children with?" I wonder how many people would say yes, and how many would vote no. The ones who said yes, I would automatically point them in the direction of the nearest clinic.

I can't remember a time when I actually wanted children, to be perfectly honest. Even when I was a little girl, I enjoyed dolls but I wasn't one of those little girls who think that there is such thing as getting married at age 18 to Prince Charming, having a thousand little baby girls, and living a long and illustrious life. That shit only existed in fairy tales, and I knew it even then. (I may have been an imaginative child, but I was sure as hell not a gullible one.)

Unfortunately, my teenage hormones are kicking in, and suddenly-- voila! I want a little girl. I haven't exactly told anyone yet, nor do I plan to; that would ruin my perfectly good reputation as a hard-hearted badass who dislikes kids.

But regardless of what happens in the long run, I think this just goes to show that opinions can literally change on a dime. With the right persuasion, of course.


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