Saturday, August 22, 2009

I was in Philly today. It was filthy, and cramped, and altogether very innercityish (dibs, haha, I called it first). The people in the area were of the following variety:
1) Black people.
2) Puerto Ricans.
3) Asians.
4) Young white kids trying to be either 1, 2, or 3.
5) Crazy-looking old white people, probably on psychotropic meds.

Okay, first of all, we passed this huge area of town that was completely Korean. I'm talking, the store names were in Korean, the people were Korean, and the houses had these angry-looking signs plastered to the doors that were...well, in Korean. The whole time we were driving through it, I was hiding in the backseat of the car, waiting for the Korean mafia to leap out, screaming, and take us hostage. Who knows; they may have wanted to pin the whole North Korea/South Korea shit on us, the only white people in the whole area. Note to self: Never piss off an Asian.

Not to mention the white kids walking around with their pants around his (or her, yes, her) knees, the utility chains hanging around their necks, and the mock-licence-plates dangling from said chain. Then you have the crazy white women wandering around, with crazy hair, crazy eyes, and crazy lipstick smeared all over their faces. I'm sure that I saw one lady holding a dog leash as if she were walking a dog, but there was nothing attatched to the other end of the leash...

But all of this isn't even the important part.

The important part: I survived.

The other important part: I survived without being corrupted by the insanity of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And I got to see family and some old friends of my mom's who were absolutely hilarious.

The other, other important part that is honestly too depressing to talk about: My poor great-great (-great?) Aunt Peggy is dying of cancer. Her room smelled like death, and I couldn't stay in there for too long without crying. It was odd. I hardly knew the woman when she was alive, but the thought of her passing on made me so emotional.

I hope this isn't some sort of phase. Because if it is, I am so having a word with the Head Honcho(s) of this dilly-o called lyf3.

Anyway, so ends my Philly adventure.


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