Tuesday, October 13, 2009

bombs shelters


I finally managed to get onto the internet. I figured that -- screw it -- I was gonna sneak onto my mom's computer. I'll be doing this a lot. I don't even care. It's been more than a month and I'm seriously suffering from internet deprevation. I've been writing a lot (*total understatement*), and watching hardly any TV, and reading a thousand and one books, and awaiting the few measley hours I have every day to leave the house and interact with other life forms people.

In other news, I can't remember any news, which isn't exactly unusual. I'm just really glad to be back on track -- or almost, anyway.

I'm going to my brother's soccer game tomorrow, and I'm hoping to see my bestie tharr. (:

Besides all that crap, I'd simply like to let you all know that I'll be posting a ridiculous amount of bullshit over these next few days since I have this drive to "make up" all the weeks I missed.

But just so everyone knows -- I'm back, bitches. Just make sure to tell your friends so they have time to get into their bombs shelters. (:


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