Wednesday, August 26, 2009

B is for BULLSHIT.

[PEACE, n. In international affairs, a period of cheating between two
periods of fighting
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Prepare yourselves for a major rant. Warning: The following content may contain explicit material not suitable for anyone under the age of.......well, the material isn't suitable for any age.

{start major rant}

Bullshit. That's what this is. It's all just #%*$!^$ bullshit.

I don't know who Coach Judge thinks she isn't, but she sure as hell isn't human. This is starting to piss me off -- NO. It's beyond pissing me off. I'm freaking soaring above her in all my anger, shooting lightning bolts of rage at her puny, cowardly form below.

I'm not going to say that it started this morning, but this is where my rant begins. I woke up at 7AM today. As if this wasn't torture enough, I had a shitty morning; I couldn't eat any melon because it reminded me of jellyfish, I choked on my toothbrush because I fell asleep with it in my mouth, and I walked into the same damn wall four effing times.

But anyway. I was up, dressed, pissed off, in pain and ready to go by 7:40AM. My mom and dad drove me to the field; they wanted to have a word with the Coach about some earlier shit that she tried to pull, which I'll mention in more detail in just a moment. As we were driving, the sun was in my eyes, so I reached into my bag, and LO AND #%*$!^$ BEHOLD I forgot my damn sunglasses. So I spent the next five minutes shifting constantly on the seat, shielding my eyes, and banging my head off anything within head-banging distance.

It started off pretty bad, but then, OH BUT THEN, we get to the field and it's empy. FREAKING DESERTED. I could see the tumbleweed dashing across the grass and I was willing to wager that there was a cowboy in the background, waiting for me to step out of the car so he could shoot me. I am also willing to wager that I was very close to stepping out of the car, just to look for that cowboy.

AND SO. I haven't talked to Judge yet, I dunno if it's very safe on her part, but I'm assuming that she's pulling the same shit that she pulled last year. Oh, yes. OOOHH, YES. This isn't the first year that she's done something like cancelled practice or altered the time of a game and " forgot" to let me know. Last year, during the season, I asked her why I wasn't notified that one of the games had been switched to an hour earlier, and she had the nerve to tell me, "Oh, there was announcement during school about it."

An annoucnement?

An announcement?!

I don't go to public school, you stupid bitch! How in the hell am I supposed to know what is announced in the building?! Contrary to popular belief, I DON'T EFFING READ MINDS.

She pulled this all last year, and it was dealt with rather peacefully (not), but I didn't know that she'd still have an attitude this year. I mean, get over it. Ugh! I'm going to definately have a word with her later, during my scrimage (that is, if there still is a scrimage), and if she gives me any shit, I'll just ponk her on the head with my hockey stick.

It's on, Judge. It's on.

{/end major rant}

I apologize for any readers out there who had to suffer through that, but I needed to get it out of my system. I'm not going to lie and say that it's all better (I'm actually sharpening my lance now), but I definately feel better, which is all that matters to me at present.

Have a good rest of the morning.


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